करोड़पति बनने के लिए 7 आसान टिप्स- बस छोटा सा करना होगा काम

Investment Tips: आपके करोड़पति बनने का ख्वाब पूरा करेंगी ये 7 आसान टिप्स- बस छोटा सा करना होगा काम

Investment Tips: अगर आप अभी से अपने फ्यूचर की चिंता है तो आपके वक्त रहते अपने पैसे बचा लेने चाहिए. इसके लिए बस आपको थोड़ी सी मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी.

How to become Crorepati: पैसा हर किसी को चाहिए, लेकिन इसके लिए अगर समय के साथ फाइनेंशियल प्लानिंग की जाए, तो आपके बेहतर होगा. (How to do Financial Planning) कई ऐसी बड़ी हस्तियां है, जो इन्वेस्टमेंट के जरिए अच्छा कमाकर बड़ा एग्जांपल बनकर सामने आईं हैं. ऐसे में आपको भी बेहतर भविष्य और फाइनेंशियल स्टेबल होने के लिए इन्वेस्टमेंट शुरू कर देनी चाहिए. आज हम आपको 7 ऐसी टिप्स बताएंगे, जिन्हें अपनाकर आप करोड़पति बन सकते हैं.

Income का 10% पर्सेंट करें इंवेस्ट

चाहें आप कम कमाते हो या ज्यादा, आपको अपनी इनकम का 10 पर्सेंट उठाकर इस नए बिजनेस में लगाना होगा. इसमें ये जरूरी नहीं है कि आपकी सैलरी लाखों ही होनी चाहिए. आपकी फिलहाल कितनी भी सैलरी हो, बस आपको कम से कम 10 पर्सेंट तक का इंवेस्टमेंट करना होगा. आप अपने सेविंग्स और खर्चे को पहले एक जगह नोक करके रख लें. इससे होगा ये कि आपको वक्त रहते खुद समझ आ जाएगा कि आप कौन-कौन सा फालतू खर्चा कर रहे हैं. 


EMI या क्रेडिट कार्ड पेमेंट में कभी देरी न करें

अगर आप अपने पास Credit Card रखते हैं और EMI भी ले रखी है. और इनसे सामान भी लेते हैं, तो इसका बिल समय पर चुकाना बेहद जरूरी है. (Make Credit card payment on time) अगर आप इसका बिल समय पर नहीं चुकाएंगे, तो आपको परेशानियां आ सकती है. हीं क्रेडिट कार्ड (Credit card Bill payment deadline) में मिनिमम बिल पेमेंट के चक्कर में भी न पड़ें. ऐसा करने से आप के बिल में कई तरीके के टैक्स जुड़ जाएंगे और आपकी भुगतान राशि बढ़ती ही चली जाएगी.

Emergency Fund रखें तैयार

इंवेस्टमेंट के तौर पर आप जो भी कुछ लगा रहे हैं, तो आप एक बार साइज हटाकर रख दीजिए. इससे हटर आपके पास एक इमरजेंसी फंड (Emergency Fund) होना चाहिए, जिससे फ्यूचर में आपके सामने कोई मुश्किल आए तो आपको कोई दिक्कत नहीं होनी चाहिए. इंवेस्ट किए गए पैसो को आपको बिल्कुल हाथ नहीं लगाना है. (Prepare an Emergency fund) अगर आप अपने इन्वेस्ट किए गए पैसे में से विदड्रॉ करेंगे तो आपका इंवेस्टमेंट प्लान गड़बड़ा जाएगा और अगर आपने कहीं से लोन लिया तो उसका भुगतान करना भी आपके लिए अतिरिक्त बोझ हो जाएगा.

खर्चों का फंड बनाएं

आपका इंवेस्टमेंट अलग है, इमरजेंसी फंड अलग है और खर्चों का यह फंड एकदम अलग होगा. (Plan your expenses) इसमें आपके आने वाले 4 से 6 महीनों के मंथली खर्चों का फंड बनाना होगा. यह सच बात है कि इतने सारे फंड एक दिन में तैयार नहीं होंगे, लेकिन अगर आप धीरे-धीरे कोशिश करेंगे तो कुछ महीनों में आप ये फंड तैयार कर लेंगे. खर्चों का फंड बनाने से फायदा यह होगा कि आपको पता रहेगा कि आपके कितने खर्चे हैं और आपके पास हमेशा उनके लिए पर्याप्त पैसा रहेगा.

How to check LIC Policy Status ?

निवेश से हुई इनकम को फिर इन्वेस्टमेंट में लगा दें

अगर आपको अपने इंवेस्ट किए हुए पैसे से कोई इनकम हो रही है, जैसे कि आपका कोई फंड मैच्योर (Mature Fund) हुआ है या ट्रेडिंग से आपको कुछ हटकर इनकम मिली है, (Put investment income back into investment) और आपको उस पेसे की अभी जरूरत नहीं है तो उस पैसे को दोबारा इंवेस्टमेंट में लगा दें.

इंवेस्टमेंट प्लान में लगातार निवेश करते रहें

अगर आपने इंवेस्टमेंट करने का पहला कदम उठा लिया है तो रुकें नहीं. यह सच है कि आपको छह महीने या एक साल में रिटर्न नहीं मिलेंगे, लेकिन इसका यह मतलब नहीं है कि आपको कभी रिटर्न नहीं मिलेंगे. (Continue to invest in investment plans) आपको अपने इंवेस्टमेंट प्लान में लगातार निवेश करते रहना होगा. उदास या निराश होकर इंवेस्टमेंट को बीच में छोड़ने से आप बड़ी रकम नहीं बना पाएंगे.

इंवेस्टमेंट Performance को जांचते रहें

यह सबसे जरूरी आदत है, अगर आपने इसे फॉलो नहीं किया तो आपका इंवेस्टमेंट प्लान सफल नहीं हो सकेगा. इंवेस्टमेंट के बाद यह भी जरूरी है कि आप अपने इंवेस्टमेंट पर नजर बनाए रखें. सिर्फ इंवेस्टमेंट कर देने भर से आपकी जिम्मेदारी पूरी नहीं हो जाती है. आपको लगातार देखना होगा कि आपका इंवेस्टमेंट प्लान कैसा चल रहा है. (Keep checking on investment performance) अगर हर छह या आठ महीने पर आपको लगे कि रिटर्न नहीं मिल रहे हैं तो आप किसी और फंड में निवेश करें. साथ ही कभी भी बिना कंपनी का रिव्यू किए या किसी के दबाव में कभी इंवेस्ट न करें, इससे आपका पैसा डूबने के चांस ज्यादा रहते है.

मल्टीबैगर ALERT! – इन्वेस्टर के लिए ट्रेडर के लिए नहीं

MFU BOX- Mutual Fund Distributor/RIA – Full Back-Office Platform

MFU BOX- Mutual Fund Distributor/RIA – Full Back-Office Platform

एमएफयू बॉक्स एक पूर्ण बैक-ऑफिस प्लेटफॉर्म प्रदान करके एमएफडी और आरआईए की कार्यक्षमता को मजबूत करेगा जो तकनीकी रूप से अभिनव कार्यक्षमताओं से लैस है।

India, 19th Nov 2021: MF Utilities brought together renowned industry leaders and market experts as they discussed key topics concerning the mutual fund industry at its Unboxing MFU BOX event. On November 17th, the indigenously designed MFU BOX, a comprehensive state-of-the-art back-office system, was launched at a webinar hosted on communication medium Zoom on 17th Nov, 2021. Following the MFU BOX launch, CEOs and industry leaders presented their perspectives on the mutual fund business. Mr. A. Balasubramanian, Chairman AMFI, MD & CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC, along with Mr. Saurabh Nanavati, Chairman, MF Utilities, CEO, Invesco AMC, and Ms. Radhika Gupta, Vice Chairman AMFI, MD & CEO, Edelweiss AMC, shared their outlooks on the changing market dynamics of the mutual fund industry. The event featured industry speakers who shared their views on expert-moderated panel discussions about contemporary challenges impacting the mutual fund community and was attended by over 900 participants.

DEMAT अकाउंट खोलने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे और घर बैठे अकाउंट रेडी। 5 मिनट में भारत का नंबर 1 डीमैट खाता खोलने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

MFU BOX will strengthen the functionality of MFDs and RIAs by providing a full back-office platform that is equipped with technologically innovative functionalities. This feature-rich solution will significantly enhance and augment the offerings of investors and the entire Mutual Fund industry for greater reach and faster response. The revolutionary system provides user-defined trend analytics, multidimensional transactional analysis, 360-degree client view, model portfolio, rebalancing, and behavioral risk assessment. MFU BOX exhibits the potential to process revenue and profitability modules with a pre-built BCP and includes a cloud-based data security framework.

Mr. A. Balasubramanian, Chairman, AMFI & MD&CEO, Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund said regarding MFU, “We have witnessed the growth and power of MFU over a period of time and it is truly phenomenal. MFU is very close to my heart and I am glad that it is quickly becoming a reliable and trustworthy platform that will only take the mutual funds industry to greater heights. The potential for MFU to become a onestop platform for the entire Mutual Funds industry is the very reason why it was created by UK Sinha, Exchairman, SEBI. In many ways, MFU is very similar in framework and potential to the banking industry. I am excited to witness MFU launching this complete back-office solution as this will further augment the recognition and appreciation for MFU BOX as a powerful platform and enhance the overall performance of the industry and the investors in specific. The Government of India is extremely satisfied with how the MF Industry has been channelizing and being a counterforce to the capital market while overdelivering on its commitments to the various stakeholders.

Ms. Radhika Gupta, Vice Chairman AMFI, MD & CEO, Edelweiss AMC said that “MFU BOX is an exciting and promising name for an AMC industry product. The industry needs more distributors and we are on the cusp of a transformation that is viable and scalable by what MFU brings to the table. The shift from real assets to financial assets will certainly put the MF industry on a growth trajectory. With the added input and push from relevant technological solutions such as BOX, MFU is bringing this evolution to reality faster than anticipated. The MF industry will greatly profit from this revolutionary back-office platform and will ease the workload and better the response rate for clients and all stakeholders.“

 Details Video for UnderstandClick Here 

Also Read:
1 -LIC जीवन शांति पॉलिसी में एकमुश्त निवेश कर पा सकते हैं हर महीने 4 लाख रुपये पेंशन, जीवनभर मिलता रहेगा फायदा
2 -LIC Jeevan Labh पॉलिसी में रोजाना 280 रुपये का निवेश कर, पाएं 20 लाख, जानें क्या है ये पूरा प्लान

Mr. Saurabh Nanavati, Chairman, MF Utilities, CEO, Invesco AMC was hailing the unveiling of MFU BOX and said, “Digital is the way forward and MFU is leading the way for the industry. To grow and scale the mutual funds’ industry, technological innovations are necessary to be injected seamlessly into the system. Today, every business is growing by leaning on technology and the digitization of products has helped bring newer clients within the industry. MFU has helped realize this need and has rapidly provided the industry with a very relevant platform to expand and enhance its services. MFU BOX will empower investors to boost their offerings much more efficiently and effortlessly.

According to Mr. Ganesh Ram, MD & CEO, MF Utilities, “MFU is proficient in understanding and tapping into the varied needs and requirements of the market. At such a critical time of recovery, MFU BOX is the answer to bringing a faster and more practical way of delivering insights and delivering client expectations. This will help attract more clients to engage and become a part of the mutual funds industry. MFU BOX is the answer to capitalizing on the various needs and giving the entire industry enormous leverage to upscale and expand their business offerings. We believe that BOX will create a positive disruption and infuse a definitive success to all its users with its unique features.”

As of Oct 31st, 2021, MFU handled a total AUS (Asset under services) of 2.94 lakh crore with a turnover of 1.82 Lakhs Crores. Since its inception, MFU saw 12,30,330 SIP and 7,54,320 CAN (Universal Account Number) registrations apart from managing 14,61,913 NCTs (Non-commercial transactions) and a combined 34,973 registrations for DST (Distributors) and RIA (Registered Investment Advisors).

Pls find attached Presentation for more awareness- CLICK HERE

हमेशा डिविडेंड के लिए ये वाला शेयर
Rs.2,5,0000 से ऊपर प्रोविडेंड फण्ड (PF) इनकम पर देना होगा आपको टैक्स 1 Apr 2021

आप अपना सुझाव हमें निचे कमेंट बॉक्स में दे सकते है। अगर आपको किसी और सब्जेक्ट के बारे में कोई सुझाव चाहिए तो जरूर लिखे.

धन्यवाद !

अशोक कुमार
AG Investment


Looking to buy term insurance? Buy now or pay up to 40% more!

Term insurance is an excellent & affordable way to secure your family’s financial future in your absence. Term insurance plans not only protect one’s family financially in case of their sudden demise but also provide comprehensive coverage from a range of uncertainties, including accidents and critical illnesses like heart diseases, cancer etc. If you are considering to buy a term insurance plan, you might have to hurry up a bit as, after the recent price hike in the month of April 2020, the insurance premiums are set to experience another significant increase in the months ahead.

Pure protection term plans, including the ones from prominent insurers like HDFC Life, ICICI Prudential Life, Max Life and Tata-AIA, witnessed a price hike between 20% and 35% in the month of April 2020. Now the premiums of term insurance plans are expected to increase by up to 40%. Insurers who have already revised their premiums by a certain percentage would further increase the prices by remaining values. For the insurers who haven’t yet, would be increasing the prices in the months to come.

Rise in Term Life Insurance Prices

To put things in perspective, for a 35-year-old male, non-smoker residing in a metro city looking for a Rs 1-crore term plan with coverage till 75 years, the monthly premium for TATA AIA term plan surged from Rs 1104 to Rs 1490, witnessing a 35% increase. Similarly, ICICI Prudential incremented the premium by 22% while HDFC and Max Life premiums have been hiked by 18% and 9%, respectively.

Reason Behind Term Life Insurance Price Hike

In order to determine term insurance premiums by the reinsurers, it has been assumed that for every 10,000 lives covered under term insurance plans, only 3 deaths would occur in each policy year. While the expected number is 3, the actual deaths per 10,000 policies issued in a policy year are between 4 & 4.5. To add to the reinsurer woes, the claim amount is massive in case of term insurance with an average policy sum assured of around Rs 1 crore. In the ideal case scenario, actual vs expected ratio should be around 1. This is clearly not the case in India, with the ratio being more than expected, leading to a negative experience in mortality. This situation has lead to revisions in the term insurance premiums by 40%, as demanded by the re-insurers.

Term Plans Remain a Must-Buy

Planning your future well in advance is one of the most important things that you should do to ensure you and your family are financially stable throughout lifetime. A term life insurance plan does exactly this – provides the insured person’s family with a sum assured on the death of the individual to make sure that the family does not have to face hardships after their loved one is no more. A term insurance plan offers life cover for a specific amount & tenure. If the policyholder passes away during the policy term, the insurer pays a death benefit to the beneficiary or the nominee.

A good term insurance plan helps you protect your even better by covering you against most important 3Ds of your life that are Death, Disease and Disability. Term insurance plans can be bought at a very nominal cost. The payouts can be customised as per your needs, whether it be a lump sum payout or staggered payout in monthly instalments. It is further beneficial as the premium you pay towards it can help you avail a deduction under Income Tax Laws. With term insurance prices set to rise anytime soon, it is best to buy a term plan at the earliest as the earlier you buy, the lesser you pay.

SBI Cards and Payment Services IPO

The second-largest issuer of credit cards in India is going public.

Apply now
Don’t have a Zerodha account? Sign up

Date02 Mar 2020 – 05 Mar 2020
Price range750 – 755
Minimum order quantity19

View all IPOs SBI Cards and Payment Services was promoted by State Bank of India on May 15, 1998, to issue credit cards and deal in payment products. Apart from an issue of fresh shares in the IPO, SBI will be selling a part of its promoter holdings. The Carlyle Group, which had taken up a stake in SBI Cards in December 2017, will also be offering a part of its stake in the issue.

How do I apply to the SBI Cards IPO?

You can apply to the SBI Cards IPO on Console using any supported UPI app. Once you have entered your bid on Console, you will receive a mandate collect request on your UPI app. On acceptance of the mandate, the bid amount will get blocked in your bank account. Read more.

Will I get a discount if I hold shares of SBI?

The Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) indicates that shareholders of State Bank of India may be eligible for a discount. You will need to hold at least one share of SBI as on Feb 18, 2020, in your demat account. When you apply in the shareholder’s category, you might also have a higher chance of getting an allotment. Click here to check how to apply in the shareholder category in Zerodha.

Note – You will be eligible to apply in the shareholders’ category only if you hold shares of State Bank of India (SBIN) as on the record date. A shareholder of different SBI group company, like SBI Life, will not be eligible. 

Indicative IPO timetable

Basis of allotment11-3-2020
Refunds/Unblocking of ASBA12-3-2020
Credit of share13-3-2020
Mandate end date19-3-2020

Further any help please feel free to call @ 9892423442 or whatsapp on same number.

best large cap fund

best large cap fund

Large Cap in portfolio is very important. I have given some of fund house Large Cap with Beta, Standard Deviation and Sharpe Ratio.

If you can the below table you will find that Axis Blue chip is very good. as Sharpe ratio of Axis is very good.

Usually, any Sharpe ratio greater than 1.0 is considered acceptable to good by investors. A ratio higher than 2.0 is rated as very good. A ratio of 3.0 or higher is considered excellent.

Large Cap Mutual Funds

When you are investing for create wealth then you have to first create your portfolio and that portfolio should be according to your requirements.

My personal recommendation is maximum investment in Large Cap. I have given one idea about how to create and how much should be in where ?

One best Idea to Create Aggressive Portfolio of SiP not less than 7-10 Yrs.

Large Cap – 60%
Mid Cap- 25%
Small Cap- 15%

Because money safety and your happiness is more important for your future.

Conservative Portfolio

Debt – 80%
Equity- 20%

Debt- Bond 30%
Debt- Short Duration 30%
Debt- UST 20%
Equity- Large Cap 20%

Moderate Portfolio

Debt – 70%
Equity- 30%

Debt- Bond 25%
Debt- Short Duration 30%
Debt- UST 15%
Equity- Large Cap 25%
Equity- Mid Cap 5%

Balanced Portfolio

Debt – 50%
Equity- 50%

Debt- Bond 20%
Debt- Short Duration 25%
Debt- UST 5%
Equity- Large Cap 30%
Equity- Mid Cap 15%
Equity- Small Cap 5%

Dynamic Portfolio

Debt – 25%
Equity- 75%

Debt- Bond 10%
Debt- Short Duration 12.5%
Debt- UST 2.5%
Equity- Large Cap 50%
Equity- Mid Cap 15%
Equity- Small Cap 10%

for more about creating portfolio, you may right to [email protected], visit to my youtube channel AGInvestment, Join telegram https://t.me/mfpathshala, whatsapp @ 9891423442

what to do with -Franklin Ultra Short Term Bond Fund

Ultra Short Duration debt funds invest in bonds maturing in 3 to 6 months’ time. They aim to earn slightly better returns than what you can get from a bank account or a short duration fixed deposit. The risk of incurring a loss in these funds is negligible.

Franklin or Any AMC who is investing in Bond fund, they are very much aware about Paper of Company. After all calculations of Risk etc they added particular company bond in his portfolio for get better returns.

What happened with this fund –

In all these AMC Franklin, UTI, Nippon, Aditya Birla etc has taken bond Paper of Vodafone Idea Limited (VIL) according to his decision and calculation of Risk.

Frankln exposures was 4.4% in Ultra Short Term Bond fund. Now Supreme Court has reject the case of VIL. so Franklin has immediate marked down to Zero the Debt Security of VIL. Due to this NAV on 16th Jan 2020 has down.

According to me its very good decision from Franklin for Retail Investors. Scenario, if Franklin not take this action, then all Institutional investor book profit in his portfolio on higher NAV and Retails investors get penalized. Now this is win-win situation for all.

What to do now ?

HOLD 3 months

Franklin has now marked Zero that Does not means they have sold Paper. Bond Paper of Franklin maturity is in July 2020 and Sep 2021. Also VIL has not given any statement that they are not going to pay back of money of Bond Paper, means still value of paper is continue till maturity.
Now 23rd January is last date given by Supreme Court to pay amount of Licence fee, Spectrum charges, if by any chance VIL declare Bankrupt then the current NAV is continue, Else there is no any tension.
In all Cases, I can say that Gov will not going to loose VIL etc but pressure to be on head of VIL to pay such amounts.
This is not happening with Franklin or other AMC is first time, you must heard ABSL Dynamic Bond Fund, ABSL Credit Risk fund. Nippon India Equity Saving Fund etc recently has created Segregated folio.
Franklin has marked Zero but ABSL, Nippon has created segregated folio both are same case. Suppose any one hold investment in above fund and due to any reason, holder quite before maturity of paper and after maturity of paper company get his amount back with maturity value. In that case company refund the complete value to investor Bank Account.
Therefor I will recommend to not exit from this Fund and continue till 3 months more, Franklin has taken this step and cease daily investment upto Rs.200000 only to win-win situation for our retails investor.

To gain maximum Franklin taken pain maximum, As in his folio there are lot of paper is AA- rating. Pls visit www.agindiaonline.com to get all details of paper or you may reach us at my telegram – https://t.me/mfpathshala, reached on whatsapp at 9891423442

Ultra Short Term Fund is better than FD -Fixed Deposit

Ultra Short Term Fund :

Ultra Short Duration Funds are debt funds that lend to companies for a period of 3 to 6 months.
>Ideal for anyone looking to keep aside money for a couple of weeks to a few months

>Near Zero risk of loss if someone invests for at least 3 months.

> These Schemes tend to give similar or slightly higher returns than Bank Fixed Deposits of equal or comparable investment tenure

> Due to high liquidityease of use and higher returns,

I’ve listed few mutual funds here, to help you get started. The list has been prepared based on the parent company and the past performance of the fund. The debt funds have no exit load fees (that means you can withdraw money from these funds any time, without any “minimum duration” requirement).

Debt -Ultra Short Term Fund

Recommended for emergency funds or parking money for any duration etc. Returns are better than FD and offers higher liquidity.

Fund NameAnnual Returns (5y)Fund ClassExit Load
Franklin India Ultra Short Bond Fund (G)9.9%Ultra Short Term Debt0.00%
Reliance Money Manager Fund (G)8.9%Ultra Short Term Debt0.00%

You can visit my you tube https://youtu.be/DmpFcKuHRDM for more about this fund. Also request to subscribe for more such videos.

You can invest direct from my website – www.agindiaonline.com after free Sign-up and i assure you that you will get my 100% support all the time to create wealth safe and more than Bank. Any suggestion you may whatsapp @ 9891423442 or telegram to https://t.me/mfpathshala

Unclaimed money is above Rs. 6 Lakhs Crores…. we are helping to get it in your account…

Value of Unclaimed / Physical Investment in the country is more than Rs 6,08,923 Crore

1- Stocks / Mutual Fund : Rs. 5,35,000 Crores lying in physical form
2- Unclaimed Provident Fund : Rs 43,000 Crores
3- Unclaimed Insurance : Rs 15,166 Crores
4- Unclaimed Bank Account: Rs 11,302 Crores
5- Unclaimed Corporate Dividends: Rs 3,454 Crores
6- Unclaimed Post Office accounts : Rs 1,001 Crores

If your money also under Unclaimed please don’t wait more and fill this below forms https://forms.gle/Piz7cPxi4qjPyMXp6 Our expert will contact you and help to get it retrieved.

Bringing your money back is what we do

Still holding loads of physical shares and mutual funds instead of Demat ?

Clueless on rejected applications of old investment retrieval by the company ?

Running from pillar to post for transmission due to succession, bankruptcy, insolvency, lunacy or
marriage ?

Issues relating to investment retrieval due to non-existent companies, change in names or
amalgamation, change in unit scheme, merger of mutual fund schemes ?

A case of ‘invest and forget’ and losing track of investments ?

Issues relating to retrieval of Provident Fund, Matured Insurance, inoperative bank accounts etc ?