How LIC Jeevan Umang policy works
Under this plan, the policyholder pays premiums regularly, for the premium paying term of 30 years, and after the end of the premium paying term, they receive 8% of the Basic Sum Assured as the Survival Benefit.
For example, you purchased LIC Jeevan Umang at the age of 26 years for the policy cover of Rs. 4.5 Lacs. If you pay Rs. 42 per day for the first 30 years of the policy term (which will be a total of Rs.. 4,17,420 throughout the premium paying term), you will receive Rs. 36,000 per month, from the 31st year onwards. This income will continue for as long as you live! Not only that, but you will also receive a lump sum amount of Rs. 4.5 Lacs as the maturity benefit.
What are the features of the LIC Jeevan Umang policy?
In order to understand the policy better let’s take a look at some of the key features of LIC Jeevan Umang policy:
Maturity Benefit: The policy offers a maturity benefit on outliving the policy term including the accrued additional bonuses.
Survival Benefit: The policyholders will receive a certain percentage of the Basic Sum Assured every month after the end of the 30th policy year.
Death Benefit: The nominee will receive the sum assured on death including the additional bonuses in case of the unfortunate demise of the policyholder.
Participation in Profits: LIC Jeevan Umang is a participating plan, therefore you will receive a portion of the profits declared by the company.
Tax benefits: Under Sections 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act 1961, premium payments made towards this policy are eligible for tax deductions.
Loan Benefits: The policy offers the facility of requesting loans in case of an emergency after the end of the 2nd policy year.
Wrapping It Up!
The LIC Jeevan Umang policy is a great way to save money for retirement while also providing protection for your loved ones. So if you’re looking for a LIC policy that will benefit you now and long into the future, you should certainly consider investing in LIC’s Jeevan Umang policy.
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