Large Cap in portfolio is very important. I have given some of fund house Large Cap with Beta, Standard Deviation and Sharpe Ratio.
If you can the below table you will find that Axis Blue chip is very good. as Sharpe ratio of Axis is very good.
Usually, any Sharpe ratio greater than 1.0 is considered acceptable to good by investors. A ratio higher than 2.0 is rated as very good. A ratio of 3.0 or higher is considered excellent.
Large Cap Mutual Funds
When you are investing for create wealth then you have to first create your portfolio and that portfolio should be according to your requirements.
My personal recommendation is maximum investment in Large Cap. I have given one idea about how to create and how much should be in where ?
One best Idea to Create Aggressive Portfolio of SiP not less than 7-10 Yrs.
Large Cap – 60%
Mid Cap- 25%
Small Cap- 15%
Because money safety and your happiness is more important for your future.
Conservative Portfolio
Debt – 80%
Equity- 20%
Debt- Bond 30%
Debt- Short Duration 30%
Debt- UST 20%
Equity- Large Cap 20%
Moderate Portfolio
Debt – 70%
Equity- 30%
Debt- Bond 25%
Debt- Short Duration 30%
Debt- UST 15%
Equity- Large Cap 25%
Equity- Mid Cap 5%
Balanced Portfolio
Debt – 50%
Equity- 50%
Debt- Bond 20%
Debt- Short Duration 25%
Debt- UST 5%
Equity- Large Cap 30%
Equity- Mid Cap 15%
Equity- Small Cap 5%
Dynamic Portfolio
Debt – 25%
Equity- 75%
Debt- Bond 10%
Debt- Short Duration 12.5%
Debt- UST 2.5%
Equity- Large Cap 50%
Equity- Mid Cap 15%
Equity- Small Cap 10%
for more about creating portfolio, you may right to [email protected], visit to my youtube channel AGInvestment, Join telegram, whatsapp @ 9891423442